Friday, November 18, 2011

The Importance of Internet Marketing for Work From Home Businesses - An Introduction

xHaving a work from home business today can make money if you do it right. Doing it right means harnessing the power of internet marketing.

Without knowledgeable application of social media and internet marketing skills, your work from home business is not going to produce well for you. That's why you started it in the first place, isn't it?

This article is an introduction to internet marketing for work from home businesses. You must appreciate the importance of this internet marketing or you will be sailing solo without GPS. You will be lost at sea. Get the big picture overview and learn how to navigate your ship properly. It's much easier than navigating by the stars if you get the big picture focused first. Let's embark.

Work from home business opportunities, affiliate marketing programs and other comparable work from home ventures must have a website in place as a platform for sales. Templated websites are sufficient at first but they won't be effective forever.

Personalize your website to sell, endorse and promote your products or services to optimum advantage. You want your website to be compelling and unique.

If the very thought of web design has you quaking in your non-techy boots, do not despair. This task can be readily outsourced at a reasonable price. I recommend locating affordable talent in your own home town. It is helpful to be able to meet up with your designer in person with some sample ideas.

Get to know your auto responder well. The auto responder is connected to your 'squeeze page', the landing page that contains your 'opt in box'. When people fill in the opt in box, they are indicating interest in your site and its products or services. When they fill in the box, the information is transmitted to your connected auto-responder to build your contacts list.

Many auto-responder services, such as GetResponse and aWeber, include site analytics so that you can track which of your campaigns are working well and which are not. You can supervise at regular intervals, test market different strategies, and keep fine tuning your internet marketing strategies until you have refined it for optimum results.

As part of this integrated strategy tying in your website and your auto responder, you will also need to master various techniques to drive traffic to your website. Most people start with the free, or organic methods, such as article writing for submission to various e-directories, such as and, and blogging.

Even if you are a powerful wordsmith, you must master the skills to get your productions ranked by the search engines. If a fantastic article doesn't appear until page 10 on Google, your efforts will have been wasted. Sounds daunting but it isn't. Keyword research, engaged and applied routinely, will get your articles, and videos, ranked at the top.

The importance of internet marketing for work from home business can't be emphasized enough. This introduction can get you started. Follow this map. Smooth Sailing!

Now that you understand the importance of internet marketing for your work from home business [], go past the introduction to the next level. Click on the link, fill out the box and get immediate, free access to video trainings, especially #2 and #3, that will get you started now.

Lauren Botney is an Online Marketing Coach and Mentor for what is arguably the World's Largest Internet Marketing School around. Specializing in Article Marketing, Social Media techniques and other essentials for Profitable Internet Marketing []. She is dedicated and stubborn. She trains complete newcomers and seasoned pros worldwide to achieve Financial Success. Through positive mentoring, proven business strategies and continuing education, you can stay ahead of trends and sharpen your competitive edge.

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